Hello all~...

Ok, this entry has to be in English cause the computer i'm workng on is in Greek!

Yup! My current location is in WonDerFuL Greece - Athens!

Been here for a couple of days and it has just been super fruitful for me.
Saw the wonders of the world Acropolis and Parthenon...
*SuPER SPECTACULAR! - will post in some photos when i get back!
Been to the deep BLUE Greek Sea...
And experienced a whole new city!
It has just been wonderful!

Work... well its moving on... A little stressful once in a while~...
But i guess its pretty much worth it~! -Haha =)-

Well, its 11.55pm here now and 4.55am in SIN timing...
So i think... better get going~...
Will most probably be able to blog again only when i get back~...
So for those who have been checking in~... F'HarisDo (Thank-You)!

And for now...
I think i'll just...


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