If only i knew it would be our last good-bye...

Maybe there was more i could do...
More i could say...
More i could try...
More i could share...

ACE 07' Melbourne, Australia, was my beginning, my first...
It brought me into 2 families of wonderful people...

ACE 08' Osaka, Japan, was my very own... most valuable...
It brought me closer to knowing everyone and everyone closer to me.

Thanks for all the wonderful moments....
Its my most precious memory and i'll always remember...
No matter how long the time will pass.

Thank you Belinda, Nikki, Derek for your loving support and care always...

Thank you Morgana... So Sorry we lost ACE 09'... but i'm happy that we met.

Thank you to all the Country Coordinators for your support and help this 2 years...

Thank you to all my participants... you guys are the best! =)
I will miss you all so much... ...

Hope we'll meet again someday... =)


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