Everyone who saw my twitt is asking me this question...
"How do you stay awake, and work for 48.5 ridiculous hours without sleep?"
So, here's your answer...

Remedies for staying awake for
48.5 hours:

- 6 espresso throughout the day, whenever you get the chance...
6 panadol extra; 2 in the day, 2 in the evening, 2 in the wee hour...
- continuous request for revision and changes on the registration by the 'kind' clients...
- overwhelming 'fire fighting' and endless 'trouble shooting'...
- driving back to office at 2am to collect 300 goodie bags...
- last but not least... a stomach full of pure adrenaline rush for event...

Sometimes when i finally step out of it - yet again...
i dun really know if we're a group of Workaholics...
Or simply Sucidal~...


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